Category: Health

  • Step by Step Gluten Free Lifestyle

    Step by Step Gluten-Free Lifestyle You Can Follow   Starting a gluten free lifestyle and any new way of eating and making it a regular lifestyle can appear to be challenging. However, with this step by step gluten free lifestyle guide you can follow and start easily. Because by taking several small steps at the…

  • Basics of Gluten Free Lifestyle

    The Basics of a Gluten-Free Lifestyle   Lets start with the basic . Going gluten-free is a total change of lifestyle and can be explained with 3 different conditions – you are Celiac diagnosed, you are gluten sensitive or you just like the new fashion and want to try it. No matter what is the reason…

  • Healthy Diet – Healthy Mind and Body

    Healthy Diet – Healthy Mind and Body

      Healthy diet for a Balanced Body, Mind, Spirit. Stress or nutritional deficiencies can both cause an Imbalance in the body, mind , spirit . We experience mental or physical fatigue, which can severely affect all parts of your health. It’s more important to eat a healthy diet than ever when learning to bring balance…

  • 12 Awesome Things To Look Forward To When You Reach A Healthy Weight

    12 Awesome Things To Look Forward To When You Reach A Healthy Weight.   A flatter stomach isn’t the only thing you get when you slim down! Reaching a healthy weight can be a challenging journey but the one thing that you have to keep in mind is the many rewards and benefits that are…

  • 27 Awesome Tips to Stay Motivated When Reaching A Plateau in Weight Loss

    27 Awesome Tips to Stay Motivated When Reaching A Plateau in Weight Loss

    Stay Motivated Just like how the food you put in your body can have positive or negative effects on your progress, so too can the THOUGHTS you put in your head. We’ve all heard the clichés about how important a healthy attitude and a strong mind can have on achieving your goals. And they are…